Anchor 10
David A. Parker, ‘Enskyment’ – 2014
David A. Parker's Enskyment features a sculpture made of birdseed that is a cast of the artist’s head. A motion sensing camera takes photos of birds that stop by for a meal, capturing the process of the sculpture being taken into the sky.
10B. Entry following 10A, in Christianna Potter Hannum’s memoir.
10C. Laris Kreslins
Christianna Potter Hannum and Emily Artinian attended a reading by Laris of Atlaidas/es., after sharing and discussing Christy’s writing about her adopted Latvian children’s relationship to language. 10D. David A. Parker installed Enskyment at nearby The Christiana Motel. Postcards of the birds captured by the project’s motion sensor camera at Street Road were produced for sale at the front desk of the motel.
10E. The Latvian Society of Philadelphia membership card